Umemiya Taisha Shrine

Umemiya Taisha Shrine(梅宮大社) offers blessings for sake brewing, child bearing, safe childbirth, marriage, academic achievement, and the performing arts.

Umemiya Taisha Shrine

There is a “Matage stone” that is said to be blessed with a child.The garden is planted with plum blossoms, kakitsubata, irises, double-flowered cherry trees, camellias, azaleas, hydrangeas, etc.

Umemiya Taisha Shrine

The first Sunday in March is the Ume Ume Festival, the third Sunday in April is the Cherry Blossom Festival, and the last Sunday in August is the Emperor Saga Festival.

Umemiya Taisha Shrine

Access to Umemiya Taisha Shrine from Kyoto Station is by bus, which takes about 28 minutes.

Umemiya Taisha Shrine

Umemiya Taisha Shrine Map

opening hoursall the day※Garden 9am-5pm
regular closing daywithout a holiday
entrance feefree※Garden Adults 600 yen, Children 400 yen
bus stopCity bus Umemiya-taisha-mae bus sto
stationHankyu Matsuo Taisha Station※Approx. 15 min. on foot
parking lotParking available(free)
official siteUmemiya Taisha Shrine

Umemiya Taisha Shrine around

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