Kurumazaki Shrine

Kurumazaki Shrine(車折神社) is the god of business prosperity, financial fortune, and good marriage.The name Kurumazaki Shrine is said to have come from the fact that the ox cart in which Emperor Gosaga rode stopped and the yoke (shafts) of the cart were broken.

Kurumazaki Shrine

If a wish is granted, people purify stones near their homes, double the amount of the stone, and dedicate it together with the prayer stone.

Kurumazaki Shrine

There is a famous performing arts shrine, where vermilion-lacquered tamagaki (a kind of sacred stone wall) bearing the names of entertainers and celebrities has been donated.On the third Sunday of May, the Mifune Festival is held, modeled after the boating activities of the Heian aristocrats.

Kurumazaki Shrine

To get to Kurumazaki Shrine from Kyoto Station, take a 16-minute JR train ride and an 11-minute walk from Saga-Arashiyama Station.

Kurumazaki Shrine

Kurumazaki Shrine Map

opening hoursall the day※Reception at the shrine office 9:00 - 17:00
regular closing daywithout a holiday
entrance feefree
bus stopCity bus Kurumazaki Jinja-mae bus stop
stationRanden Kurumazaki Jinja Station
parking lotParking available(free)※Up to 4:30 p.m.※No parking except for the purpose of worship
official siteKurumazaki Shrine

Kurumazaki Shrine around

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