Kyoto Culture Museum
Kyoto Culture Museum introduces the history and culture of Kyoto in an easy-to-understand manner.The impressive red brick annex building is the former Bank of Japan Kyoto branch, built in 1900.On the first floor of the main building, there is a roji store inspired by the streets of Kyoto in the Edo ....
Kenkun Shrine
Kenkun Shrine(建勲神社) is a shrine dedicated to Oda Nobunaga.Officially, the shrine is called “Take Isao Jinja,” but locals call it “Kenkun Jinja.From Funaokayama (120 meters above sea level), where Kenko Shrine is located, you can see Kyoto city and the Daimonji and Left Daimonji of the Gozan Okuribi ....
Goou Shrine
The deities of Goou Shrine are Prince Wake-no-Kiyomaro, who advised Emperor Kanmu to move the capital to Heian-kyo, and his sister Wake-Hiromushi-no-Mikoto.The temple grounds are filled with wild boars because of an ancient legend that 300 wild boars appeared and protected and guided Prince Wake-no-....
Shimogamo Shrine
The World Heritage Shimogamo Shrine is known as "Shimogamo-san" by the locals.The official name is Kamo-mioya-jinja.Shimogamo Shrine, one of the oldest shrines in Kyoto, is associated with the Kamo clan and has been documented since BC.....
Shokokuji Temple
Shokokuji Temple has Shakyamuni Buddha as its principal deity.The World Heritage sites of Kinkakuji Temple and Ginkakuji Temple belong to Shokokuji Temple.The ceiling of the Hatto is decorated with a painting of “Naruki-ryu,” a dragon that resonates with sound (by Mitsunobu Kano).....
Shiramine Jingu Shrine
Shiramine Jingu Shrine was founded by Emperor Meiji.Shiramine Shrine is known as a guardian deity of sports and is revered by those involved in soccer and other ball games.On July 7, kemari is dedicated at the ball garden.....
Shoseien takes its name from a poem by Chinese poet Tao Yuanming.It is planted as a hedge and is also called trifoliate orange (kikokutei) because of its trifoliate orange (kara-tachi).In the past, the garden had a borrowed view of the mountain, but the mountain is hardly visible because of the tall....
Shinsenen was so named because the water in the pond never dries up.Shin means god, sen means water naturally flowing out of the ground, and en means garden.It is said that Oike Dori, which faces Shinsen-en, derives its name from the Oike pond in Shinsenen.....
Syakuzoji Temple
Syakuzoji Temple is locally known as Kuginuki Jizo or “Kuginuki-sanKugi means nail and nuki means to pull out.It is called "Kugi-nuki Jizo " because it pulls out suffering.Not a few people dedicate an ema (votive tablet) with two nails and a nail puller.....
Seiganji Temple
Seigan Temple is dedicated to the Amida Nyorai.During the Heian period, Sei Shonagon and Izumishikibu took refuge in the temple.It was destroyed by fire 10 times and rebuilt each time. In the Meiji era (1868-1912), 80% of the precincts were confiscated and a downtown area was built, which became Shi....