Fujimori Shrine

Fujimori Shrine(藤森神社) is known as the birthplace of the Iris Festival (Tango).Many people involved in horse racing visit the shrine for its blessings for luck in winning.

Fujimori Shrine

The torii gate in front of Fujimori Shrine has no plaque. It is said that Isamu Kondo, a member of the Shinsengumi, removed the plaque during the closing days of the Tokugawa shogunate.

Fujimori Shrine

In May, the Fujimori Festival, famous for the Kakeuma Shinto ritual, is held.

Fujimori Shrine

Access to Fujimori Shrine from Kyoto Station takes about 8 minutes by JR train.

Fujimori Shrine

Fujimori Shrine Map

opening hoursall the day※Shrine office 9:00-17:00
regular closing daywithout a holiday
entrance feefree
bus stopCity bus Fujimori-jinja-mae bus stop
stationJR Fujimori station※The nearest station is also Keihan Sumizome Station
parking lotParking available(free)
official siteFujimori Shrine

Fujimori Shrine around

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