Gokonomiya Shrine

Gokonomiya Shrine(御香宮神社) was given the name Gokomiya by Emperor Seiwa because of the fragrant spring that sprang up in the precincts of the shrine.It is visited by many worshippers as a god of easy childbirth.

Gokonomiya Shrine

Gokonomiya Shrine was the base of the government forces led by the Satsuma Clan during the Battle of Toba-Fushimi.The Battle of Toba-Fushimi was the first battle of the largest civil war in modern Japanese history, fought between the new government forces and the old shogunate forces.

Gokonomiya Shrine

The stone garden is a relocated version of the stone garden created by Enshu Kobori in the Fushimi Magistrate’s Office about 350 years ago.Every year in early October, the largest festival in Rakunan, Gokonomiya Shinkosai (Fushimi Festival), is held.

Gokonomiya Shrine

To get to Gokonomiya Shrine from Kyoto Station, take a 12-minute JR train ride, or a 5-minute walk from Momoyama Station.

Gokonomiya Shrine

Gokonomiya Shrine Map

opening hoursall the day※Shrine office 9:00-16:00※Stone garden 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
regular closing daywithout a holiday※Stone garden viewings are irregular.
entrance feefree※Stone garden 200 yen for adults, 150 yen for students
bus stopCity bus Gokomiya-mae bus stop
stationKintetsu Momoyama-Goryomae Station※The nearest stations are Keihan Fushimi Momoyama Station and JR Momoyama Station.
parking lotParking lot available (charged)
official siteGokonomiya Shrine

Gokonomiya Shrine around

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