Hokoku Shrine

Hokoku Shrine(豊国神社) (Toyokuni Shrine) is a shrine dedicated to Toyotomi Hideyoshi and was rebuilt in 1880.The Karamon Gate (National Treasure) and other remains of Fushimi Castle are located here.

Hokoku Shrine

Hokoji Temple is located to the north of Hokoku Shrine, where a temple bell with the inscription “National Security and Peace,” which was one of the triggers of the Osaka Winter Campaign, and relics of the Great Buddha Hall of Hokoji Temple can be seen.

Hokoku Shrine

From Hokoku Shrine, it is approximately a 5-minute walk to Kyoto National Museum and Sanjusangendo, and approximately a 26-minute walk to Tofukuji Temple.

Hokoku Shrine

Access to Hokoku Shrine from Kyoto Station is by bus, approximately a 7-minute ride.

Hokoku Shrine

Hokoku Shrine Map

opening hoursall the day※Hobutukan 9:00-17:00 (admission until 16:30)
regular closing daywithout a holiday
entrance feefree※Hobutukan Adults 300 yen, college and high school students 200 yen, junior high and elementary school students 100 yen
bus stopCity bus Hakubutukan, Sanjusangendo-mae bus stop
stationKeihan Nanajo Station
parking lotParking available (free)
official siteHokoku Shrine

Hokoku Shrine around

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