Myoshinji Temple

Myoshinji Temple(妙心寺) is the head temple of the Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism.Myoshinji Temple is the largest Zen temple in Japan, measuring approximately 500 m east to west and 619 m north to south, and has 46 temples in its vast grounds of approximately 100,000 tsubo.

Myoshinji Temple

The Hatto and bathrooms are open for set viewing times and guided tours with explanations are available.The Hatto ceiling is decorated with cloud and dragon paintings (dragons glaring in all directions) by Kano Tanyu.The bathroom (Akechi Bath) is said to have been built by the monk Mison Song (Mitsuhide Akechi’s uncle) for the purpose of mourning Mitsuhide Akechi.

Myoshinji Temple

On June 18, the gate, which is normally closed to the public, will be open to the public for a special viewing.In August, the Buddhist event of welcoming and sending off ancestors (“Shory-Omukae“(welcome the spirits of one’s ancestors) on August 9 and 10 and “Shory-Okuri”(Sending out ancestral spirits) on August 16) is held.

Myoshinji Temple

To get to Myoshinji Temple from Kyoto Station, take a 10-minute JR train ride and a 5-minute walk from Hanazono Station.

Myoshinji Temple

Myoshinji Temple Map

opening hoursall the day※Hatto and Okuri:Pre-noon (9:00 - 12:00) Afternoon (13:00 - 16:00)
regular closing daywithout a holiday※Hatto and Okuri are closed for some events
entrance feefreeHatto and Okuri:Adults 700 yen, Elementary and junior high school students 400 yen※Due to construction work, the main storeroom will be closed to visitors all day long for approximately two years from May 20, 2024. Only the Dharma Hall will be open for viewing, and the admission fee is 500 yen (200 yen for junior high school students and younger).
bus stopCity bus Myoshinji Kitamon-mae bus stop※Myoshinji-mae bus stop for the South Gate
stationRanden Myoshinji Station※5 min. walk from JR Sagano Line Hanazono Station to South Gate
parking lotParking available(free)
official siteMyoshinji Temple

Myoshinji Temple around



distance in a straight line : about 98m

Daishinin is the Tatchu (temple on the grounds of ....



distance in a straight line : about 161m

Taizoin is the Tatchu (temple on the grounds of a ....



distance in a straight line : about 211m

Daihoin is the Tatchu (temple on the grounds of a ....



distance in a straight line : about 271m

Keishunin is the Tatchu (temple on the grounds of ....



distance in a straight line : about 582m

Hokongoin is a Ritsu sect temple belonging to Tosh....

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