
Shisendo(詩仙堂) is where Ishikawa Jozan lived until his death at the age of 90.The name “Shisendo” comes from the fact that Ishikawa Jozan quit his military career and wrote poems on the portraits of 36 Chinese (Han, Jin, Tang, and Song) poets and hung them up.


When Ishikawa Jozan was 59 years old, he selected 36 Chinese poets based on the Thirty-six Immortal Poets.To be precise, “Oo-to-tsuka” refers to one of the rooms in the Shisendo.Oototsuka means a dwelling built on a bumpy piece of land.


Ishikawa Jozan is said to have loved the sound of “Shishi-odoshi” echoing through the garden.Shishiodoshi is a device that uses sound to threaten and drive away birds and animals.The sophisticated garden is a must-see and especially popular among women. Satsuki (Japanese azalea) in late May and autumn leaves in fall are beautiful.


From Kyoto Station to Shisendo takes about 49 minutes by bus and about 10 minutes on foot from the bus stop.


Shisendo Map

opening hours9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.※Admission until 4:45 p.m.
regular closing dayMay 23.
entrance feeAdults 700 yen, High school students 500 yen, Elementary and junior high school students 300 yen
bus stopCity bus Ichijoji Sagarimatsu-cho bus stop※10 minutes walk from the nearest bus stop
stationEiden Ichijyoji Station※Approx. 15 minutes walk from the nearest station
parking lotwithout※Private parking is available nearby (fee required)
official siteShisendo

Shisendo around

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