
Jissoin(実相院) was founded by Monk Jouki in 1229, with Fudo Myoo as its principal deity.Jissoin has deep ties with the imperial family.The Shikyakumon, Okurumayose, and Kyakuden were given and relocated.


Jissoin is famous for its autumn foliage, especially “Yuka-momiji,” which is the reflection of autumn leaves on the floor.The fresh green season is “Yuka-midori” and the snowy season is “Yuki-gesho”.


The garden pond is inhabited by “moriogaeru”.The moriaogaeru is a frog endemic to Japan and is also characterized by the reddish-brown iris of its eyes.


From Kyoto Station, Jissoin can be reached by Kyoto City Subway (Kyoto Station to Kokusaikaikaikan Station) and Kyoto Bus Route 24 (Kokusaikan Eki-mae bus stop to Iwakura Jissoin bus stop).


Jissoin Map

opening hours9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
regular closing daynon-scheduled holiday
entrance feeAdults 500 yen, Elementary and junior high school students 250 yen
bus stopKyoto Bus Iwakura Jissoin bus stop
stationEizan Iwakura Station※Approx. 20 minutes walk from the nearest station
parking lotParking available(free)※No parking during fall
official siteJissoin

Jissoin around

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