Umemiya Taisha Shrine
Umemiya Taisha Shrine offers blessings for sake brewing, child bearing, safe childbirth, marriage, academic achievement, and the performing arts.There is a "Matage stone" that is said to be blessed with a child.The garden is planted with plum blossoms, kakitsubata, irises, double-flowered cherry tre....
Oharano Shrine
The Oharano Shrine is said to have originated as a shrine that was originally built as a branch of the Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Nara, Japan.Along the approach to the temple is the Koisawa Pond, said to be modeled after the Sarusawa Pond in Nara.The Senganzakura cherry blossom near Koisawa Pond is sai....
Kaiko no Yashiro
Kaiko no Yashiro is a shrine associated with the Hata clan, who excelled in sericulture and weaving.It is also called Konoshima Shrine.Although the date of its founding is unknown, it is an ancient shrine that dates back at least 1,300 years.....
Kurumazaki Shrine
Kurumazaki Shrine is the god of business prosperity, financial fortune, and good marriage.The name Kurumazaki Shrine is said to have come from the fact that the ox cart in which Emperor Gosaga rode stopped and the yoke (shafts) of the cart were broken.....
Saiinkasuga Shrine
Saiinkasuga Shrine was originally founded when a spirit was received from Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Nara.There is also a shrine called Modoroki Shrine, which offers blessings for travel safety and traffic safety.....
Nagaoka Tenmangu Shrine
Nagaoka Tenmangu Shrine is the place where Sugawara no Michizane stopped by when he was left for Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine in 901.Hachijogaike Pond, which stretches in front of Nagaoka Tenmangu Shrine, was built in 1638 by Prince Tomohito Hachijo.Around Hachijogaike Pond is Kinsuitei, famous for its b....
Nonomiya Shrine
Nonomiya Shrine is said to be the place where the Princess purified herself before going to Ise Shrine as the Emperor's messenger.In accordance with the legend, the Saigu procession is held on the third Sunday of October every year.Nonomiya Shrine is especially popular among women and attracts many ....
Matsunoo Taisha
Matsunoo Taisha is one of the oldest shrines in Kyoto.Within the precincts of the temple are the Shofu-en Garden (Joko no Niwa, Kyokusui no Niwa, and Horai no Niwa) by Mirei Shigemori.Officially, it is called "Matsunoo Taisha," but locals often call it "Matsuo taisya.It is also famous as the god of ....
Muko Shrine
Muko Shrine is dedicated to Mukojin, the god of fire and lightning, Tamayohime-no-mikoto, and Emperor Jinmu.The main shrine was modeled after the Meiji Shrine.There is a preaching stone on the south side of the torii gate.It is said to be the stone on which Nichizo stood when he preached to passersb....
Agata Shrine
Agata Shrine is a shrine that offers blessings for good marriages, safe childbirth, prosperous business, and family safety.There is an Agatai well, which was written in a poem, and a large muku tree that is over 500 years old.The Agata Festival, held from June 5 to early morning of June 6, is famous....